Lisbon Mathematics PhD

The LisMath Seminar

The purpose of the LisMath seminar is to provide an initiation into research as well as to make students train their oral skills.  Each LisMath student will be asked to give a talk, based on research papers, chosen from a list covering a variety of research topics. The seminar should be comprehensible to everyone. The student will be asked to make an effort to explain why he/she finds the topic interesting, and how it fits into the broader research picture. The LisMath seminar will thus help broadening the students training.
The LisMath seminar takes place on a weekly basis in the Spring semester. Attendance is mandatory for LisMath students. Venue: Wednesday 17h-18h, alternating between FCUL (seminar room 6.2.33 of the Department of Mathematics) and IST (seminar room P9 of the Department of Mathematics) except for 26/6/2018 and 15/7/2019, LisMath Seminar Day, when all sessions will be held at the former location.

Europe/Lisbon — Online

Arber Selimi, LisMath, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.
Nonabelian Cohomology.

For a given groupoid $G$ and $M$ a $G$-module, the $n$-th cohomology is defined as the set of homotopy classes $H^n(G,M)=[F_{\star}^{st} (G), K_n(M,G);\phi ]$, where $F_{\star}^{st} (G)$ is the free crossed resolution of $G$, and $\phi : F_1^{st} (G)\to G$ is the standard morphism.

In this talk we assign a free crossed complex to a cover $\mathcal{U}$ of the topological space $X$, so we get the notion of nonabelian cohomology.

We finish our talk by introducing a long exact sequence for nonabelian cohomology.


[1] R. Brown , P. Higgins and R. Sivera. Nonabelian algebraic topology. European Mathematical Society, 2010

[2] T. Nikolaus and K. Waldorf. Lifting problems and transgression for non-abelian gerbes, Advances in Mathematics 242, pp. 50–79, 2013

[3] L. Breen. Bitorseurs et cohomologie non abélienne, The Grothendieck Festschrift, pp. 401–476, 2007.

Additional file

Nonabelian cohomology.pdf